Saints of Ethiopia
C$16.00 — 140 pages
Largely unknown to Western audiences, the ancient land of Ethiopia possesses a treasure trove of spirituality. From its providential beginnings under Saint Frumentius, who was captured by pirates as a boy only to ascend to the heights of empire, to its apogee under King Kaleb, the mighty crusader and champion of the persecuted, the Ethiopian Church represents a unique and inspiring chapter in the history of Christianity. This volume brings together rare texts, many of which are translated into English for the very first time. These include the Life and Teachings of Saint Moses, a repentant thief who became one of the greatest Desert Fathers, and the Life of Saint Jared the Melodist, who was taught divine melodies in heaven by the angels themselves. An in-depth introduction drawing on the most up-to-date scholarship sheds new light on the conversion of the country.

The Life of Saint Simeon the Stylite
By Simeon the Metaphrast
C$12.00 — 80 pages
Once referred to as the “wonder of the inhabited world,” Saint Simeon the Stylite the Elder (d. 460) pioneered a whole new form of asceticism: not content with simply fasting and holding vigils, he spent forty years standing atop a stone column, praising the Lord day and night. His superhuman feats attracted pilgrims from the four corners of the earth, and his example singlehandedly converted the Bedouin tribes of Arabia to the Christian faith. In the tenth century, another Simeon, the Metaphrast, composed what would become the classic account of the Stylite’s life, drawing on ancient eyewitness testimonies. Now, for the first time, Simeon’s beautiful prose is made available in the English language, accompanied by copious historical notes.
Saints of the Old Testament
By Rabanus Maurus
C$22.00 — 326 pages
The Old Testament is filled with inspiring tales of piety and prophetic foreshadowings of Christ. The books of Ruth, Judith, and Esther are no exception. Each of these recounts the story of a woman who distinguished herself by her devout deeds and trust in God: Ruth, by abandoning her pagan homeland and uniting herself to the true religion, thus meriting to become an ancestor of the Messiah; Judith, by slaying the proud tyrant Holofernes like David slew Goliath; and Esther, by saving the Jewish people from a savage persecution and exalting the name of God among the heathen. Although the early Church Fathers frequently mentioned these three women as symbols of the Church, the first complete commentary on the books was only produced in the ninth century by Rabanus Maurus, known as the “teacher of Germany.” Drawing on the writings of earlier saints like Augustine, Gregory, and Bede, Rabanus composed a verse-by-verse explanation of the allegorical meaning of each book, admirably proving the truth of Christ’s words: “Search the scriptures: they are they which testify of Me.”

The Life of Saint Dionysius the Areopagite
By Michael Syncellus
C$20.00 — 282 pages
Saint Dionysius the Areopagite, the disciple of Saint Paul, was a famous first-century bishop, theologian, and martyr from Athens. He is the author of some of the earliest theological treatises in the Church and an inexhaustible source of apostolic wisdom. Presented here for the first time in English is his authoritative biography written by the learned 9th-century monk Michael Syncellus, together with the story of his martyrdom in Gaul translated from an ancient Latin account. The picture that emerges is one of an inspired prophet, merciful pastor, and zealous missionary. Unique to this edition is an in-depth introduction that examines the authenticity of Saint Dionysius’ writings. Challenging the modern opinion that the Areopagitic Corpus is a late forgery, the book provides a meticulous analysis of the ideas, language, and historical reception of Dionysius’ works to prove definitively that they were composed in the Apostolic age.
The Life of Saint Bede the Venerable
C$12.00 — 72 pages
Saint Bede—whom tradition has surnamed the “Venerable”—was a renowned Anglo-Saxon monk, theologian, and historian from Northumbria, England. Brought up in a monastery during the time of the Sixth Ecumenical Council, he fully imbibed the spirituality of his age and went on to become one of the greatest luminaries of his homeland and, indeed, of all of Western Europe. A prolific author, Bede is considered to be the Father of English history and composed commentaries on almost every book of the New Testament. He also used his inspired intellect to unravel the obscure symbolism of the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation. The account of his life presented here was composed in Latin in Northern England towards the close of the eleventh century and is translated for the first time into English. Also included in this edition is an introduction on the history of Christianity in Britain and the story of the translation of Saint Bede’s relics from Jarrow to Durham Cathedral.

The Life of Saint Nilus the Younger
C$16.00 — 146 pages
“A monk is an angel. His work is mercy, peace, and sacrifice of praise.” These words, spoken by Saint Nilus to the brothers of Montecassino monastery, beautifully encapsulate his own life. A towering figure of Italian monasticism, Saint Nilus the Younger—so-named to distinguish him from his illustrious namesake in the East—was born in the town of Rossano in tenth-century Calabria, at the intersection of Byzantium and Rome. His engrossing but little-known biography was composed shortly after his death by one of his disciples and is replete with extraordinary ascetic feats and harrowing episodes, from month-long fasts and nightly vigils in caves to battles with demons and political intrigues that brought him before the throne of Popes and Emperors. This new English translation, which makes the text accessible while faithfully preserving the flavour of the original Greek, is sure to captivate and inspire.

The Conversion of Saint Cyprian
The Unabridged Greek Acts
C$12.00 — 66 pages
The Conversion of Saint Cyprian tells the story of a famous North African sorcerer who was conquered by the Cross and became a devout Christian. After enlisting an army of demons to seduce the virtuous maiden Justina, he was repeatedly rebuffed by the power of Christ and decided to abandon his wicked ways. In addition to being an inspiring tale of redemption, the Conversion provides a historical look at pagan religion and witchcraft as described by an insider. This edition contains an unabridged translation of the fourth-century Greek text together with illuminating notes and an introduction containing further biographical information on the saint. If there is one thing that this ancient tale can teach us, it is that it is never too late to repent.